The Princess and the Dragon is beautifully illustrated with big, funny pictures. The book helps you realise that people are not always like you imagine them to be. The Princess was quite naughty and not very gentle but she met a dragon who was very gentle and liked ballet! So they change roles with hilarious results. -- Tracey Betty Bookmark There's not a simpering princess or fire-breathing dragon to be seen anywhere in The Princess and the Dragon. On the contrary, the princess has a 'Don't touch me! I'm perfect' attitude that leaves everyone around her in tears or shock. Nobody can please her ladyship and she spends the whole time devilish tricks upon unsuspecting old knights and generally acting as a poor role model for all the children in the kingdom. Meanwhile, in the dragon's lair there lives a piano playing, perfectly mannered, mythical monster who is so cultured that when he/she swaps lives with the princess nobody in the kingdom notices, or so they say.The Princess and the Dragon is beautifully illustrated with big, funny pictures. The book helps you realise that people are not always like you imagine them to be. The Princess was quite naughty and not very gentle but she met a dragon who was very gentle and liked ballet! So they change roles with hilarious results. -- Tracey Betty Bookmark There's not a simpering princess or fire-breathing dragon to be seen anywhere in The Princess and the Dragon. On the contrary, the princess has a 'Don't touch me! I'm perfect' attitude that leaves everyone around her in tears or shock. Nobody can please her ladyship and she spends the whole time devilish tricks upon unsuspecting old knights and generally acting as a poor role model for all the children in the kingdom. Meanwhile, in the dragon's lair there lives a piano playing, perfectly mannered, mythical monster who is so cultured that when he/she swaps lives with the princess nobody in the kingdom notices, or so they say.
《The Princess and the Dragon》
不断造反的公主和遵守规范的龙,女孩子究竟该如何选择呢。在书的最后一页给了一个参考答案。我们平时可以乖乖的呀,如果想调皮一下,就去龙的山洞里尽情玩吧,做自己真是一件让人开心的事。《The Princess and the Dragon》
Very funny story. When you read the story, you can change your tone with the storyline, making some exaggerated face expressions,and kids gonna love it .Very funny story. When you read the story, you can change your tone with the storyline, making some exaggerated face expressions,and kids gonna love it .
Once there was a Priciness who didn’t behave like a priciness. Once there was a Dragon who didn’t fierce. One day Priciness would let the monster capture her.