A zookeeper finds his normal nighttime routine upset when a mischievous little gorilla steals his keys and lets all his animal charges out of their cages, in a board book edition of the popular picture book.A zookeeper finds his normal nighttime routine upset when a mischievous little gorilla steals his keys and lets all his animal charges out of their cages, in a board book edition of the popular picture book.
《GOOD NIGHT,GORILLA》: 1) 睡前学习短语Good Night!睡前可以复习,Good night, mum! Good night , dad! Good night XXX(书中的动物); 2) 学习动物单词ELEPHANT, GIRAFFE, LION, GORILLA, MOUSE,ARMADILLO, HYENA; 3) 我们家有个动物园 ZOO IN MY HOUSE! Let’s make a zoo! 准备很多细细长条的纸条当栅栏,然后沿着...
宝宝开始表现出对英语感兴趣之后,我开始有意识地给他购入英文绘本,这本good night gorilla色彩鲜明,我还是比较满意的,但是我们宝宝对这本没有the wheels on the bus大,所以没有仔细观察过,看别人书评提到窗户上的影子、giraffe那页的气球我才又捡起来仔细翻看。确实,这本书除了传达晚安的信号,帮助宝宝学习各种动物的名字,还有很多细节可以研究。
宝宝已经认识书里的动物,路灯,可以找到球球,月亮。当翻到只有眼睛的那页时他会哇,表示很惊讶。 大家注意到没有,管理员邻居家窗户上的影子每次都不同。 已经看过中文版,这本英文版的画面不够完整,每页缺少内容,看着没有中文版全面。比如,晚安长颈鹿那页,气球根本没显示,只有一个绳。 Good night gorilla是好书,画面比较完整就好了。不知道是不是只有我的书是这样:-(
Key words:good night,gorilla,elephant,lion,mouse,banana,hyena,giraffe,armadillo,zoo Expand words:feeder,a bunch of keys,unlock the door,torch,follow,peanut,bone,photo,surprised,slippers