The Stage 5 Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories, written by Roderick Hunt and illustrated by Alex Brychta, provide a rich story context to help develop language comprehension and decoding skills. Stories, More Stories A, More Stories B and More Stories C take the children from familiar, predictable events at home and school into the less certain realms of fantasy through the magic key adventures. The new-style inside cover notes provide advice and support to help adults read and explore the story with the child, supporting their decoding and language comprehension development. Each pack of 6 includes a Group/Guided Reading Notes Booklet with a Vocabulary Chart listing high frequency tricky words and a Curriculum Coverage Chart for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. Each story has individual notes and suggested activities for Group and Independent Reading, Speaking, listening and drama and Writing, with each section showing the relevant objectives covered. Decoding and Language Comprehension opportunities are highlighted throughout.The Stage 5 Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories, written by Roderick Hunt and illustrated by Alex Brychta, provide a rich story context to help develop language comprehension and decoding skills. Stories, More Stories A, More Stories B and More Stories C take the children from familiar, predictable events at home and school into the less certain realms of fantasy through the magic key adventures. The new-style inside cover notes provide advice and support to help adults read and explore the story with the child, supporting their decoding and language comprehension development. Each pack of 6 includes a Group/Guided Reading Notes Booklet with a Vocabulary Chart listing high frequency tricky words and a Curriculum Coverage Chart for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. Each story has individual notes and suggested activities for Group and Independent Reading, Speaking, listening and drama and Writing, with each section showing the relevant objectives covered. Decoding and Language Comprehension opportunities are highlighted throughout.
又是trolls的故事,这几天带可姐读过海尼曼g1的three goats and the troll. 姐姐对桥下的troll印象深刻。想不到今天随便拿,正好拿到牛津树的这版故事。这本主要是讲孩子的卫生问题。姐弟两正好玩了黑色的彩泥,两只手指甲黑乎乎的,我一边读一边拿着他们的手指甲说yuk!儿子激动的一直喊yuk !yuk!书都没读完,就要我带他去洗手😅